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Conditions of use Studio 26




-    All entry is by appointment only

-    Please be aware of the extreme fire hazard in the area, and be appropriately careful!

-    Smoking is only permitted in the designated smoking areas. The first person found smoking outside of these areas will incur a R1,000        fine. The second person will cause the shoot to be cancelled and the team will be asked to leave our location. Sorry, but due to the              extreme fire hazard we got to be that strict! The full location fee and on-set managers fee will be payable. Please use ashtrays at all            times and please do not throw any cigarette butts on the ground

-    All teams to ensure they have the necessary public liability insurance and are required to

     indemnify Studio26 Photography CC as well as HL Starke Farming CC & Ganabos Beleggings PTY (Ltd) (Contermanskloof Farm) from          any damages and/or losses arising out of personal injuries/death or property damage resulting from any act of negligence by the              production company. This includes damage to neighbouring property as a result of fire or any other cause

-   Studio 26, its Agents, members or employees shall not be liable for any claims for loss or damages that 

     may arise from whatsoever cause, including but not limited to, death, injury, theft or any other cause of     

     whatsoever nature and whether arising from Studio 26’s default, negligence or otherwise.  By entering onto the 

     premises or using the facilities you and all persons hereby waive and abandon any claims you/they may have or 

     may acquire against Studio 26, its Agents, landlords, members or employees    

-    All equipment, temporary sets, props, greens/plants, special effect floors/walls are to be removed on completion 

      of usage and the property/location site must be left in as good condition as when entered upon by the production   


-     NO pets allowed. All Animals used on set for shoots must be sourced and handled directly through a licensed 

      Animal Trainer as applicable under The Performing Animals Protection Act No 24 of 1935. Section 7 (a) (b) (i) (ii) 

     (c) (d) (e), Section 8 (1) (2) (3), and a certified Animal Wrangler is to be on set at all times

-    Animals for shoots need to be pre arrange with the Studio Manager. All animals need to be kept on leads or kept in enclosures/cages        until they are needed for the shot/s

-    There are a few dogs that live on the farm and do wonder through our locations. Please note that Studio 26 Photography CC has no             control over these animals and takes no responsibility for them. Should your team have any queries/issues please contact our Studio         Manager immediately

-    Fires, braais and all forms of pyrotechnics are completely prohibited!

-    Teams using snow effects, Holi One Powder or any other special effects are required to fully clean up afterwards and to supply their           own water for the cleaning

-    Do not wander or shoot beyond the immediate surrounds of the location that you have booked. Please refer to our Location Area                Layout – anything outside of these boundaries falls under “The Farm” location. If in doubt please call the Studio Manager

-    Snakes exist in this area and form part of the eco-system on the farm! Please look where you are walking and do not wander from the      location

-    Please inform the Studio Manager immediately of any damage, breakages or problems, so as to offer the same standard to every team

-    Shoots may not be a nuisance to the farm residences and / or their neighbours

-    Payment from South African Banks on invoicing or Cash on Arrival only. We unfortunately do not accept payment from foreign banks

     The Open Air Studio

-          The large pots at The Open Air Studio are not to be used as rubbish bins or ashtrays

-    Catering, when using gel or gas, is to set up on the concrete area only

-    The use of the stairs and rooftop at The Open Air Studio is at your own risk! Please be extremely careful, especially with children and in       heavy winds

-    No vehicles are allowed on the concrete area without prior arrangement

-    The use of HMI lights must be pre-approved by the Studio Manager and a nominal fee may be charged as Eskom’s rates continue to          increase 

-    Please pack away the props in the container as they were found and remember to lock it when done



-    Please take all garbage and food back with you (PM’s: please do a grounds check for gaffer tape, cigarette butts, bottles, paper, etc…             before leaving)

-    Please pack away the locations props/furniture as they were found. This includes all props in the container and all shutters at The              Open Air Studio

-    Do not leave any of our location props outside unless they were originally found outside

-    Please lock all the doors and windows upon departure

-    Please close the main gate upon leaving



-    A booking is only considered confirmed once this written confirmation has been received and approved by Studio 26

-    Standard “Weather Booking” protocol applies to all confirmations

-    Weather Bookings that are postponed need to be taken up within 7 days of the original booking. 

-    Bookings not taken up within this time frame will be charged at 100% of the rate



-    Cancellations are relative to the length of the booking. I.e.: Less than - 24 hours’ notice for 1 day booking, 48 hours’ notice for        2day      booking, 72 hours for 3 day bookings, etc. = 100% of rate



-    Payment in full is due on presentation of our invoice via EFT from a South African Bank or cash on arrival only. Banking details                    are to be found on the invoice. We unfortunately do not accept payment from foreign banks. Please send proof of payment as per the          details on the invoice.

©All rights reserved 2022 Studio26 Photography CC

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